Nov 23 2023 07:15 AM
Nov 23 2023 07:51 AM
After opening the CSV file in Excel:
Let's say the relevant values are in D1 and down.
In another column in row 1:
Format the cell with this formula as a date.
In yet another cell:
Format the cell with this formula as a time.
Fill down.
Nov 23 2023 10:36 AM
Nov 23 2023 02:28 PM
SolutionThe formula works in Excel in Microsoft 365.
For older versions:
For the date:
=--(MID(D1,FIND(" ",D1)+1,FIND(",",D1)-FIND(" ",D1)-1)&"-"&LEFT(D1,3)&"-"&MID(D1,FIND(",",D1)+2,4))
For the time
Don't forget to format the cells as date and time, respectively.
Nov 24 2023 07:54 AM
Nov 24 2023 01:04 PM
Power Query might be able to do it, but I'm not an expert on that.
Nov 23 2023 02:28 PM
SolutionThe formula works in Excel in Microsoft 365.
For older versions:
For the date:
=--(MID(D1,FIND(" ",D1)+1,FIND(",",D1)-FIND(" ",D1)-1)&"-"&LEFT(D1,3)&"-"&MID(D1,FIND(",",D1)+2,4))
For the time
Don't forget to format the cells as date and time, respectively.