Unable to link to an excel 365 saved in an SP library


How do you connect to an excel 365 file saved in an SP document Library?  


I'm unable to connect to a table in one of the 3 tabs in my excel 365 file saved file.

When I connect to a local version of the excel file (excel desktop) it connects perfectly.

When I connect to it from the SP Document library,  rather than seeing the three tabs, I get a strange set of connections that have no connection to the same data.


I'm including a screen print of the local version compared to the SP version. Any help is appreciated.


Bottom line, I'm unable to connect to the same table in Excel when saved in SP document library. I hope the screen print below helps. 



1 Reply

Hi Steven,


If expand your latest screenshot it shall looks like


from the list you may click on the table you need and continue to work with it. Better on previous step to remove all columns but Content.


Another way to select your table is

    Source = SharePoint.Files("https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/mygroup/", [ApiVersion = 15]),
    SelectFile = Table.SelectRows(Source, each ([Name] = "myfile.xlsx")),
    GetFile = Binary.Combine(SelectFile[Content]),
    GetContent = Excel.Workbook(GetFile),
    GetTable = GetContent{[Item="Table1",Kind="Table"]}[Data]


no to generate "Combine from the folder" functions. That could be generated by UI only if you click not on Combine Files icon near Content, but on Binary.
