Transfer of Data to Different sheet

Copper Contributor

Hi All. 


Please provide me with assistance. 


I'm working on a patient schedule, So (Sheet 1: Script Tracker)

  • contains; Prep date:
  • Next Prep date:
  • Surname and Name


and now i want the name and surname to appear in (Sheet 2:Monthly Planner) ie: Autofill

so the next prep dates (August) should autofill in the respective dates by inser




3 Replies

Hi @Zack05 


you could use VLOOKUP to search your script tracker list for the date and get back the name.



This is my script tracker sheet



And here is the planner sheet with the formulas:

In B3: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,Script_Tracker!$B$2:$C$5,2,FALSE),"")

and then copy the formula below all other date fields. As you can see, in L2 it will find a name:



But be warned:

VLOOKUP will only get you the first name in the list. If you have multiple names at the same date, you will see only the first one.


Kind regards,



Hi @Martin_Weiss

Thank you for the above, how would i combat the issue around multiple names at the same date? which will certainly occur.

Hi @Zack05,


if you use Excel from Microsoft 365, you can use a combination of FILTER and COOSECOLS function.


 Example formula in L3:




The FILTER part of the formula just gets the three columns A, B and C (Prep Date, Next Prep Date, Name) if the Next Prepdate ($B$2:$B$5 in my Script_Tracker sheet) equals to the date in L2

-> FILTER(Script_Tracker!$A$2:$C$5;Script_Tracker!$B$2:$B$5=L2)


As you just need the column with the Names (= Column C or column 3 in the filtered list), I use the CHOOSECOLS-function:

-> CHOOSECOLS(result of the FILTER function);3)


And to avoid errors for dates that do not have a name, I supress those errors with IFERROR


Just make sure, that you have enough lines to show all names below the date, otherwise you will get a #SPILL! error.


If you do not have Excel 365, unfortunately I do not have a proper solution for you.


Kind regards,
