spreadsheet for cashier

Copper Contributor
I m a basic user for excel. i need some advise on how to go about preparing a spreadsheet to count cashier float money. we receive daily cash in denomination of $10,$20,$50 and $100. i need to count out exactly $500 daily for next day as cashier float. how do I set up a spreadsheet that will show how many pieces of each denomination to take. requirement is to take as much small denomination as possible for float leaving the big denomination for banking in. thank u so much
2 Replies

Maybe something like this could be used as a tool to help calculate the correct denominations...Please see the attached example file for further reference.



Yeo Wee-



Just wanted to follow up and see if you were able to get your issue sorted out?  If you're still having trouble feel free to reach back out.  Always happy to help!  That's what the Excel Community is here for!