Sheet View not functioning properly

Copper Contributor

My team has an important spreadsheet on Sharepoint that at any given point 6 people could be accessing. We identified fairly quickly that sometimes the sheet would not prompt individuals to filter only their view when looking at the sheet but the issue was not too frequent. Then members of the team were frustrated with needing to un-filter changes left by a previous user so our IT person set a macro on the sheet for it to un-filter when closed out. This caused a new issue with versions of the sheet not syncing up. So we deleted the macro and saved it as a normal sheet again. Finally today we were trouble shooting the issue with the sheet views only to discover that although we were opting into sheet view and selecting to only see filtered changes on our screen it changes it for everyone. Sheet View is not functioning at all as intended for our group. Could there be an issue with the sheet itself? We are struggling to understand why the changes are seen by all when on an individual sheet view.

1 Reply

Is this with everyone using Excel Online? Or are users utilising desktop version with Autosave on?