Resizing Excel Window

Copper Contributor

I cannot adjust the size of my Excel window.  It is either full screen or the tiny rectangle with 3 boxes.


I am able to change the screen size in Word just fine.  But Excel will not change to the double arrow when I move the cursor to the edge of the window, nor will it collapse to half-size when I use the buttons on the top right of the window.  


I have logged in/out of my Office account, restarted multiple times, etc.  Any advice, please?



3 Replies

@andrea3732 If you are using Windows with the Snap feature enabled, start with the Excel window maximized, then left click in an empty area of the Excel title bar and drag the Excel window over to the left-hand side of your screen (until your mouse pointer touches the edge), then release. The Excel window should now be filling the left half of your screen. You can then grab the bottom-right corner of the Excel window to resize it freely.


If that doesn't work, you could also try using VBA to reset the window size and position. To do so, open the Visual Basic editor by pressing Alt+F11 on your keyboard. If the keyboard shortcut doesn't work, go to the Developer tab on the Ribbon and click "Visual Basic". If the Developer tab is not visible, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon, then in the right-hand pane under "Main Tabs", check the box for "Developer" and click "OK".


In the Visual Basic editor, go to Insert > Module and paste the following code:


Sub ResizeWindow()

    ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal
    With Application
        .Width = 500
        .Height = 500
        .Top = 50
        .Left = 50
    End With

End Sub


Run the code from the Visual Basic editor by pressing F5 on your keyboard (or click the green "play" button on the toolbar"). Return to the Excel window, which should now be resized and repositioned to the top-left corner of your screen. You should now be able to resize if freely by grabbing the edge of the Excel window.

@djclements Your first suggestion worked!  Thank you so much for your help!

@andrea3732 Perfect! You're very welcome! :)