Pay sheet function

Copper Contributor

I am working on a balance sheet type of workbook and wondering if there is a function or conditional format that can help me with the following:


Trying to set it up if account is showed as paid then it it would automatically highlight the entire row green and if it is not paid that it would it would be red.


I am not going to be using it for budget purposes, just as a tracking of the payment status of the accounts.

1 Reply

Create 2 Conditional Formatting Rules



  1. Create a name using Name Manger, IsPaidRow
    = Sheet1!$F2 <> ""

    This is for easier reference in future

  2. Select A2
  3. Click Conditional Formatting
  4. Manage Rule
  5. New Rule
  6. "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
  7. Type
    = IsPaidRow
  8. Apply fill background color with green format or any format you want for paid record
  9. Click ok
  10. Still in Conditional Formatting Rule Manager, type the following reference in "Applies to"
  11. Click New Rule
  12. "Use a formula to determine which cells to format"
  13. Type
  14. Apply fill background color with red format or any format you want for paid record
  15. Click ok
  16. Still in Conditional Formatting Rule Manager, type the following reference in "Applies to"
  17. Click ok to close the Conditional Formatting Rule Manager

Check if this fit your need.