Paste TO visible cells only in a filtered cells only

Copper Contributor

I want to paste a formula or value in the visible cells of a filtered column. How to go about it? Thanks 

48 Replies

How do i paste multiple values on visible cells on a filtered array in excel?



It's already on the toolbar, under Home > Editing. You can also add the icon to your Quick Access Toolbar.
This is the answer. Thank you! Added it to my Quick Access Toolbar for future reference.

Alhamdulillaah.. thank you, your solution help me solve my problem with copy-paste in filtered view..

Glad it helped :)

@Ingeborg Hawighorst  Its not working

I am still unable to put data in visible cells only'

Its not working. kindly guide through video

@Sajad_Alam If you are having issues, try my earlier post on the first page. 

If anyone still has problem with this, please check out this article:


it shows you how to make copy-paste visible cells functionality available in any open workbook.