Number Errors

Not applicable

Hi all,


Recently I have been working on a spreadsheet to measure firms performance (Return on assets-dependent variable) in relation to Natural log of Total Assets, Leverage and various dummy variables (Independent variables). I have had various number errors in regards to my dummy variables (see attached) which makes me think that I have not set it up right. Any insight into this problem would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

3 Replies



I see a few #NUM! errors on your "Results" page, but no formulas to assess. You can help us here (others as well as me) help you if you leave the formula or formulas in place. Or tell me what I'm missing if in fact it's there somewhere.

@mathetes  Hi, thanks for your reply. Most of my data is inputted manually without formulas, but here are the ones that I have used in my spreadsheet so far, thanks again.Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 20.42.02.pngScreen Shot 2020-03-18 at 20.43.34.png



I see those formulas, but I don't see what those formulas have to do with the #NUM! errors that you were originally asking about.


It's not at all clear to me, given the absence of formulas in those #NUM!  cells (AND in all adjacent cells, so far as I can tell), where those errors come from. You asked whether you've set it up correctly, but it's not at all clear how you've set it up in the first place.


So could I ask that you clarify your original question.