Need Help Updating Large Data Spreadsheet

Copper Contributor



I need help on how to compare two list. The Blue Column (MMO) is the Master List, and I used XLOOKUP command (and even tried nesting them) to compare two columns. Due to potential spelling errors and/or missing word(s) like shown in the picture (green highlight) it's not picked up by the exact search so I also used small, larger, wildcard categories as well. My issue now is I can't individually check down the column because there are too much, 4000 names down the list, and it will take too much time. How do I go about checking them without resorting to brute forcing myself? I reckon it would require chains or nesting commands, but I can't solve it.


Thank you in advance for help, and have a good day!




EDIT: Can share the excel file via Onedrive if needed.

EDIT 2: Found the best solution available at the moment, like Mr. Sergei Baklan said, I used FUZZY lookup add-on by Microsoft. Screenshot removed.

2 Replies



I'm not at all sure that I can be of any help, but you have had over 50 views and no responses yet. SO, with that in mind, I will offer these observations/comments:


  1. It looks (observation, remember) as if you're comparing three lists, not two.
  2. You may be forced to do brute force on the comparisons that don't match. The number 4,000 is large, yes, but the fraction that appears not to match in this image isn't all that large. So manually working with some mis-matches in the hundreds surely can't be all that overwhelming (or is there something else going on here that makes it worse?) 
    • Note: I am assuming that the green bars were produced by something like Conditional Formatting; the point being that you can use Excel to highlight the lines that need that manual attention.
  3. It would be helpful to post the actual workbook on OneDrive, HOWEVER, it looks as if those are real names of real organizations and posting under those circumstances is actually not in accord with the policies of this forum (privacy, confidentiality, etc)..

So...where does that leave us? Or, more to the point, where does that leave you? Tasks like this are not easy; they underscore the need for data integrity from the start, but cleaning up databases is a big job and some of it is grunt work, almost inevitably.




In theory Download Fuzzy Lookup Add-In for Excel from Official Microsoft Download Center of Fuzzy Join in Power Query could help. However, no one fuzzy lookup method gives 100% warranty, that's only to play with real data and fuzzy parameters.

And yes, without the file it's not clear what exactly you try to do.