Maintain concurrent values between workbooks

Copper Contributor

Hi, hope you can help......

I want to enter a value in workbook1/sheet1/A4 and have it update workbook2/sheet1/A4 on Monday

On Tuesday I want to do the reverse, in other words sync the two cells between workbooks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Still scratching my head,


3 Replies
Can you explain why you would need this? I would maintain one file in which data is entered, rather than two.
Thanks for your response!

I do my bill paying and budgeting. I've tried 2 sheets in the same workbook, but i have the same prob. I can update either cell and have it reflect in the other since it is recursive.

I use 2 workbooks to avoid entering on the wrong sheet.

I have a 'pay' date that falls on the 3rd Wed. of each month. That necessitates duplicating entries in each workbook since their due dates are fixed and the 3rd Wed. is not. Therefore I need to see that that entry has been paid in either book.

I'm currently working on a WPF app. in Vis. Studio to replace this 'system'. However I've been retired for 11 years and I'm 72 so learning MSFT's latest and greatest (for the nth time) platform is a slog.
best response confirmed by Marc Miller (Copper Contributor)
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best response confirmed by Marc Miller (Copper Contributor)