Image - Turn off embed

Copper Contributor



I am using the new image function to add a custom column to an MS Forms Excel file to show an image, this part works great.


However, it seems to be embedding the images, which is making a very large Excel file now.


How can I turn off embedding the images, or turn on some sort of image compression? I cannot select the pictures and compress them, like you can if you manually insert an image.





2 Replies
best response confirmed by ScottUK760 (Copper Contributor)

I have a workbook with 700+ images pulled in with IMAGE. My solution is to have a cell in the sheet that determines 'show' or 'hide'. I added some simple logic to the formula that will show or hide the images based on the text in the cell.

That is a great simple solution, thank you :)
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by ScottUK760 (Copper Contributor)

I have a workbook with 700+ images pulled in with IMAGE. My solution is to have a cell in the sheet that determines 'show' or 'hide'. I added some simple logic to the formula that will show or hide the images based on the text in the cell.

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