I need a cell to =5 always, unless the days are more than 5 then sum (max 7)

Copper Contributor

I am calculating Per Diem Days.  Right now I use =COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") for all employees, there is one employee who is paid 5 no matter days worked unless he more than 5 with a max of 7 days in the week.  I am not sure what formula I should use.  

3 Replies


It's better if you share sample file which illustrates how your data is structured. In particular, how Excel knows how many days employee worked in this or that week.

best response confirmed by MegD7227 (Copper Contributor)


To create a formula that ensures a cell equals 5 unless the days are more than 5 (with a maximum of 7 days), you can use the COUNTIF function along with the IF and MIN functions to handle the conditions. Here's how you can construct the formula:

  1. Use the COUNTIF function to count the number of days worked.
  2. Use the IF function to check if the count is greater than 5.
  3. Use the MIN function to ensure the count doesn't exceed 7.

Here's the formula:

=IF(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") > 5, MIN(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0"), 7), 5)


  • COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") counts the number of days worked (non-zero values) in the range G111:M111.
  • IF(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") > 5, ... , 5) checks if the count of days worked is greater than 5. If true, it evaluates the MIN function; otherwise, it returns 5.
  • MIN(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0"), 7) ensures that the count does not exceed 7 days.


Let's assume the range G111:M111 contains the following values:















  • If the range has values in 7 days, COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") returns 7.
  • The formula MIN(7, 7) returns 7 because it is the maximum allowed value.
  • If the range has values in 4 days, COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") returns 4.
  • The formula then returns 5 because the condition COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") > 5 is false.

Thus, this formula ensures that the cell will always be 5 unless the number of days worked is more than 5, in which case it will return the actual count with a maximum of 7. The text was created with the help of AI.



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Hope this will help you.


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This was PERFECT! Exactly what I needed! Thank you so much! I appreciate the time you took to show and explain it. :)
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by MegD7227 (Copper Contributor)


To create a formula that ensures a cell equals 5 unless the days are more than 5 (with a maximum of 7 days), you can use the COUNTIF function along with the IF and MIN functions to handle the conditions. Here's how you can construct the formula:

  1. Use the COUNTIF function to count the number of days worked.
  2. Use the IF function to check if the count is greater than 5.
  3. Use the MIN function to ensure the count doesn't exceed 7.

Here's the formula:

=IF(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") > 5, MIN(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0"), 7), 5)


  • COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") counts the number of days worked (non-zero values) in the range G111:M111.
  • IF(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") > 5, ... , 5) checks if the count of days worked is greater than 5. If true, it evaluates the MIN function; otherwise, it returns 5.
  • MIN(COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0"), 7) ensures that the count does not exceed 7 days.


Let's assume the range G111:M111 contains the following values:















  • If the range has values in 7 days, COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") returns 7.
  • The formula MIN(7, 7) returns 7 because it is the maximum allowed value.
  • If the range has values in 4 days, COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") returns 4.
  • The formula then returns 5 because the condition COUNTIF(G111:M111,">0") > 5 is false.

Thus, this formula ensures that the cell will always be 5 unless the number of days worked is more than 5, in which case it will return the actual count with a maximum of 7. The text was created with the help of AI.



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Hope this will help you.


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