Formulas from Google Sheets to Excel 2007

Copper Contributor


I am trying to import my google sheet into my SharePoint.  I have already noticed when I download my google sheet into excel the formulas are not compatible.  So I was hoping someone could provide me a compatible formula for my now excel sheets. 


I have a total of 6 different sheets.  Four sheets (sheets 1-4) need to feed information into the two other sheets (sheet 5 and Sheet 6). 

Sheets 1-4 columns A-E need to feed into Sheet 5.  If and only if columns J-AB (Sheet 1-4) has the word, "Done" or "NA" filled in.  (column a=Product, column b= Stability, column c= Lot Number, column d=Submitted date, column e=due date.

Here is google sheets formula for sheet 1 to feed into sheet 5:

={ʺProductʺ, ʺStabilityʺ, ʺLot Numberʺ, ʺSubmitted Dateʺ, ʺDue Dateʺ;Filter(Sheet1!A2:E,Arrayformula(IF(Sheet1!A2:A=ʺʺ,, MMult( (Sheet1!H2:AB=ʺDoneʺ) + (Sheet1!E2:AB=ʺNAʺ), Transpose(Sign(Column(Sheet1!E2:AB2))))))=Columns(Sheet!E2:AB))}


Sheets 1-4 I need to feed into Sheet 6 columns A-E. 

Here is google sheets formula:  This is the formula to feed Sheets 1-4 into Sheet 6

=QUERY({Sheet1!A1:Z;Sheet2!A2:Z;Sheet3!A2:Z;Sheet4!A2:Z}, ʺSelect *where Col1 is not null order by Col4 ascʺ,1)


Thanks for your help. 


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