Formula of excel not working

Copper Contributor
I have one Excel file with two worksheet i.e. WS1 and WS2.

Some external process adding values in WS1 and it was refrences by Col A of WS2 say formula = WS1.A1- WS1.A2..

And then Col A of WS2 is used in report.

Now the problem is..Report not showing updated data for Col A of WS2 (WS1.A1- WS1.A2) I.e. however Columns of WS1 ( A1 and A2) are updating successfully .once I open excel file and closed, report started showing expected data of WS2 columns as well.

Is excel formula only works when file refresh manually , will it not work if file remain closed.

Please suggest!!
1 Reply


Nope, if you are in automatic calculation mode
