
Copper Contributor

I would like to set the background color of a cell based on the numerical content of a range of cells in a different sheet of my workbook.  Specifically, I want a cell to change color if any cell is a range of cells on another sheet has a value in it. Thanks

6 Replies
best response confirmed by HansVogelaar (MVP)

Hi @DannyDDG 


See attached file where Sheet1!A1:A3 have Conditional Formatting rules that highlight cells if Sheet2!A1:K1, Sheet2!A2:K2... range has at least 1 value


Thank you so much.  I'm having trouble seeing the actual formula used to change the color.  Is it something like +IF(range) contains value, then background color + red?  

Thanks again


I found what you did in the Conditional format menu selection Thanks again
Glad you have a solution & figured it out + Thanks for providing feedback

Thanks again Lz. I am using =COUNTIF('EVM Work Order'!$J$13:$U$13,"<>") in my application and it works great. What would be the proper condition for any value greater than 0 in the range selected?

Hi @DannyDDG 

What would be the proper condition for any value greater than 0 in the range selected?

=COUNTIF('EVM Work Order'!$J$13:$U$13,">0")


=COUNTIF('EVM Work Order'!$J$13:$U$13,">" & 0)

(I have pref. for the 2nd)

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by HansVogelaar (MVP)

Hi @DannyDDG 


See attached file where Sheet1!A1:A3 have Conditional Formatting rules that highlight cells if Sheet2!A1:K1, Sheet2!A2:K2... range has at least 1 value

View solution in original post