Copper Contributor

Tengo un problema con el resultado de mi fórmula, he leído que el error #N/D aparece cuando la matriz de búsqueda no contiene el valor que buscamos, ya lo revisé, y el valor si está presente en mi matriz de búsqueda, podrían ayudarme a solucionar este problema con más posibilidades de error.


10 Replies

@DanielaLeCa96 I believe your lookup range is incorrect. B41 contains "Impresion". So the first column in your lookup range should also include "Impresion". If not, your formula (VLOOKUP in English) will not find a match and returns #N/A.

Intenté también cambiando la columna de la 1 a la 2 =BUSCARV(B41,BOLETAS...….,2,FALSO) y sigue marcando el mismo error, en mi referencia SI EXISTE EL VALOR "IMPRESION", pero aparece como si no estuviera

@DanielaLeCa96 Not sure if the translation I get is entirely clear, but it seems that your lookup range a from A27 to B32 where the lookup value seems to be in the 2nd column. If you swap the columns (thus move A to the right of B) so that "Impression" is in the first column and you look for the 2nd columns you will get "CANON 3900" as the result. Is that what you want?


Alternatively, look into the use XLOOKUP (don't know the Spanish name for it, sorry).

@Riny_van_Eekelenthis is my formula

@Riny_van_Eekelenthis is the lookup value (matriz de búsqueda) 

I need to search C40:C45 values in the lookup range, and I need to get the values of the first column in that range, I men, If I put "Impresión" I need to appear "Canon 3900" as a result of the formula

@DanielaLeCa96 You are uploading pictures. I saw those. Can you upload the file (without any confidential information).

I solved the problem!!
The problema was in the range of the lookup, the value that I need as a result, has to be next to the value that I'm looking for,
I was searching "Impresión" that was in te column B, and I want as a Result a value in the column A, so I put them backwards, Impresión in the column A and the value that I wanted as a Result in the column B and THAT'S IT!

@DanielaLeCa96 Precisely. That's what I suggested in the beginning. :)

Thanks a lot, you problem resolved, resolute my  problem
