Date range

Copper Contributor

I need to put a date by week in a cell and copy (i.e. 12/1/23 - 12/7/23 and then in next cell 12/8/23 - 12/14/23 and so on down the list.  Can this be done automatically. 

4 Replies



I need to put a date by week in a cell and copy (i.e. 12/1/23 - 12/7/23 and then in next cell 12/8/23 - 12/14/23 and so on down the list.  Can this be done automatically. 


See the attached. It's easiest to do, and gives you flexibility, if you do the start date for each week in one column, and that fancier text display -- because it does need to be done as text to include the space-hyphen-space in the middle--in an adjacent column.



Note: you could hide column A if desired.


By the way, I copied from the second row on down. No need to enter the dates, just copy the formulas down.

=TEXT(A1,m/d/yy")&" - "&TEXT(A1+6,"m/d/yy"). Keeps telling me there is an error. What am I doing incorrectly?
I got it. Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver.
You're very welcome.