Comparing multiple variables from 2 different lists

Copper Contributor

I'm trying to reconcile two different lists of my company's product #'s along as well as the various format and sizes associated that product in effort to compare the X factor on both lists. Problem is that product # is the same for all formats and sizes. I know that I can do a vlookup and find the product but I'm a bit lost on how expand the formula to add the format and size information into the mix. I've tried to nest vlookup but with no success. The lists are long but not the same length so vlookup has worked best to find the product but it's limited to the one variable. So far I've done the extra comparison manually (with pivots of each list) but this looks like that this will be a regular process so I would like to automate it. Is it possible to do a multi-variable comparison between 2 lists?


XYZ24 CT0.5


1 Reply


It's indubitably possible, if you attach your sample file with your manually entered results and the logic of each.