Broken links in Excel files

Copper Contributor



I do have a few of my Excel files on OneDrive. Some have linked data to excel files outside of OneDrive. I have migrated recently to another laptop (both Mac's). I haven't probably paid properly attention and activate autosave. I don't if for this reason or another my links to those files outside of OneDrive are replace with a http link to a file, which actually doesn't exist. Hence every time I open the file Excel suggest to edit the links. I change the source. But when I save, it all falls back to the http links.


Can anyone please help?





2 Replies
I solved it by saving outside of OneDrive and copying it back into OneDrive
I found something similar.

If there is a link in an Excel document (saved in a local OneDrive folder) that leads to a shared OneDrive document, the link is rewritten as "..\..\..." when the Excel document is saved.
If the Excel document is located outside the local OneDrive folder, the link is not rewritten and works fine.

Feature or Bug?

Using Excel:
Microsoft® Excel® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2401 Build 16.0.17231.20236) 64 Bit