Analogous estimation sheet

Copper Contributor

Good morning,

I have been tasked with producing a master sheet that can be used to bench mark costs for a variety of activities. It would need to pull data in from smaller Sub sheets (find the average cost of a tasks associated with the works) and then populate the master sheet with the results. Thus producing a Analogous estimation.


(for example:

Project 1, Apples cost £32pm2, Kiwi Cost £12pm2, Oranges cost £25pm2;

Project 2, Apples cost £30pm2, Plums cost £25pm2, Kiwi Cost £32pm2, Oranges Cost £30pm2;

Project 3, Oranges cost £40pm2, Plums cost £30pm2, Apples cost £15pm2

For the estimate I need the average cost of: Apples, Oranges and Plums per m2)


I currently have all the sub data, but I am not sure where to start with producing the master or possibly even a search form.

Has anyone previously done anything similar


thanks in advance  



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