Aging Count Formula

Copper Contributor


I am trying to calculate tickets that are 0-7 days, <15 Days, <30 Days etc...
This one is for 30 days, but everything shows as zero, which I know is wrong.
I want to calculate the count of all tickets combined as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Excel formula please help




7 Replies
I think viewers may be confused by the arrangement of your data at the bottom. What does P1 & P2 include and why are there 4 rows?
P1 & P2 mean High and Medium tickets above table priority is there as per that we need count 0-7, >15 day , > 30 days how many tickets are there count require.


I'm still not certain why there are 4 rows at the bottom instead of 1. That aside, try this formula:


If MTD count data is in IM sheet and Raw data is in IPC open ticket for that what formula we need to apply @Patrick2788 





You may need to provide an anonymized sample workbook that contains this same structure with those sheets.

How I need to attach Excel file here .@Patrick2788 

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