Force site to launch as a progressive Web App

Brass Contributor

We have certain web sites that we wish to launch as progressive web apps in MS Edge on Windows 10 22H2.  We can of course give our users instructions to do so but is there a way we can force this via policy to centrally control this? 

1 Reply
best response confirmed by shockotechcom (Brass Contributor)

@shockotechcom Hello - Have you tried to use the WebAppInstallForceList ( policy?  The policy will also allow you to create a desktop shortcut for users.  Thanks! 



1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by shockotechcom (Brass Contributor)

@shockotechcom Hello - Have you tried to use the WebAppInstallForceList ( policy?  The policy will also allow you to create a desktop shortcut for users.  Thanks! 



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