Edge Collections - Star To Collect - bad idea not to include a remove option

Iron Contributor

I noticed in the newer versions of edge collections "Start to collect" - After searching I've found this to be a very bad addition to collections.  Collections actually got me away from pocket but with this "Start to collect" I am wanting to go back to pocket. 


I submitted feedback but am hoping MSFT is reading these as Edge is a great browser - the collection option is great - especially when my favorites are full/unorganize I use collections for my "focus on" options.

102 Replies

This Start to Collect thing is just awful.

Collections is a really useful feature now bloated out with god awful thing. Who at Microsoft thought this was a good idea?

This is one of the most annoying changes in Edge. I'm astounded that there is *still* no way to disable this spammy crap.
Surely it breaks some privacy law too, they keep saying they value our privacy but this makes their privacy policy as joke!
Seems they don't care about losing customers. Look at Windows Phone. They have an incredible ability to ruin anything that works well. Take a look at Skype, Windows phone, now even the built on e-mail too!
If Microsoft is listening it should at least post some acknowledgement.
These discussion board begin to look like a waste of time.
I can get most of routine work done with Linux. Linux Devs have enthusiasm and do respond. Any that don't can be cast aside for others. Competition seems not to affect Microsoft


No, Microsoft does not care about this issue at all. Forget Collections and forget Edge if you may. - that's what I did. I started using Firefox but I am also using Edge again because of the "Workspaces" feature. I used Collections a lot, I've lost almost all my items and then "Start to collect" appeared.

Welll I use google for somethings anyway and Firefox just to keep my foot in the door. I used to use it quite a bit because it was clean and fast.
Haven't used Edge workspace but afraid to try anything new, my Microsoft, anymore because, when I start to like it and ger used to it, I am sure they will just ruin it like they often do!

@ sid9-3  - your solution to remove Bing cookies worked! Thank you!

Sad that Firefox collections does not work on Windows

@zotric Collections in Firefox? Mobile version only, right?

Yes, that's it. And now, those who activated Windows 11 with a Win 7 or Win 8 key will lose activation in case of a simple clean reinstall or hardware change (I am not talking about OEM keys). Microsoft want us to adopt Windows 11, right? Sure, buy a key for more than 200 Euros on MS Store.
Didn't work for me. Only thing that works for me is not synchronise. I just Synchronise once a week just to update the other devices.
I believe that to be the case.
I tried it on Android. It is not much different from bookmarks as far as I can see. No thumbnails. Can't find it on PC version nor is it an extension as far as I can see.
Outrageous pricing. There are companies that sell genuine Windows keys (if from some kind of bulk licensing it has been deemed legal) for a lot less. I canot name them here so you just have to be careful. :)
Yes, you are right. Those cheap activation keys are, somehow, legal but (and there's always a but) they only activate once. If you do a clean install after activating one of those keys, it won't activate anymore. These cheaper keys may be a way to go to avoid spending about 200 Euros average at once.
Understandable. They are full licenses; not OEM for example. But it makes sense to be a one time install for a bulk license deal from Microsoft. Not a deal breaker given the price difference.
I'll ask the seller next time!
Just updated Edge to version 118.0.2088.76 and, lo and behold: the Start to Collect suggestions are gone! This has happened to me before, but it didn’t last long. That’s why I’m almost sure this is a glitch or a server problem on Microsoft’s end. I will monitor this the next few days.
Should this indeed be the long-desired change, I will be overjoyed. We do not need random pictures displayed as potential collections.
I will be over the moon if it is true :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thanks and fingers crossed!
YES!!! FINALLY!!! It is gone in Version 118.0.2088.76 (Official build) (64-bit), even with a personal account and not just with a corporate account logged in.
Thank you for supporting this change!

Welcome. I wish MSoft would fix all the features it withdrew such as the ability to convert a tab group into a collection. Inability to manage collections effectively is a major weakness, in my opinion. I've migrated to favourites but I'd like Collections to be fixed. There is a small discussion open on the issues. I'd welcome any contributions!