Edge Collections - Star To Collect - bad idea not to include a remove option

Iron Contributor

I noticed in the newer versions of edge collections "Start to collect" - After searching I've found this to be a very bad addition to collections.  Collections actually got me away from pocket but with this "Start to collect" I am wanting to go back to pocket. 


I submitted feedback but am hoping MSFT is reading these as Edge is a great browser - the collection option is great - especially when my favorites are full/unorganize I use collections for my "focus on" options.

102 Replies

@jhoneillPrivate or not, we must have the option to show it or not in Collections pane. Anyway, MS Edge team is not "listening" us. Edge was updated today and there is still no option to turn off "Start to Collect".

@jhoneill You hit the nail.  It is not that they "modified" the collections screen.  They left it there but it is inaccessible now, Collections points to something entirely different hosted on Bing. Not on Edge anymore.


It is that the collections stored on local edge (and synced between devices) were EXPORTED to Bing. 


There are ways to bring the old collections but they don't sync anymore between devices.   And if you turn on sync, they get exported again (no permission asked) to Bing.   I just found out today while playing with permissions. 


So, it's worse than initially thought. Everyone's collections were funneled away to Bing (without explicit permission) in the most sneaky way. And there is no way to move them back to local. 


I just turned off every single permission all over Bing and Edge but will definitely look for a new browser, Chromium powered hopefully :expressionless_face:

@Andrés S, exactly right.


I've just switched my desktop browsers back to Chrome on desktop and Safari on mobile and laptop. I fiddle around with Firefox too, but those three are all better choices than Edge at this point. It's just becoming stuffed with more and more garbage.

Well, as much as I liked Collections, I went through all and saved the links, and then deleted ALL Collections. I will need to go through and organize all of my bookmarks/favorites just like in the old days. I will likely utilize OneNote as a replacement for Collections.

For now, I think I will stick with Edge, because it seems to run faster and smoother than Chrome which has just way too much junk running in the background. I use Edge at work and rely on the synching of my favorites and settings there, so naturally I stick to the same environment at home as well.

I just hope Edge will improve and not decline any further. Firefox and Chrome were my go-to browsers before Edge, and I played around with Opera and Brave. Don't really want to waste more time trying them all out.

IIf MS wants me to use Edge they need to quickly provide a method to turn off the "Start Collecting" crap.  Absolutely none of the suggestions there are of any interest to me, and just serve as a distraction.  I frequently use my computer for demonstrations and the suggestions are inapproporiate.  I'v moving back to Chrome until this is resolved.@Cody Arnould 

Another person who wants to get rid of the distraction of unwanted photos and just be able to see my collections. I also preferred collections as a pop out option not something I have to close. An irritation not an improvement (and I've now wasted more time complaining about it!)
100%. I'll literally ignore that every single time, so it's basic useless clutter. If the option is not available soon, I'll just think of a workaround to block those elements.
If you do find a workaround, please let me know.

@Cody Arnould 


My work laptop is highly controlled by my company. In Edge, I don't have "Start to Collect" in the Collections space. I will try to figure out how they set it up. My guess is it is a registry edit.

The suggested collections feature seems to only impact personal Microsoft accounts. Enterprise accounts are untouched. Microsoft knows who pays the bills. :smile:

@Cody Arnould I agree that the addition of Start to Collect feeds/ads in Collections now defeats the purpose of having your own collection in the first place! I do not want to surf via Collections and the pushed suggestions are not relevant. Also, you can no longer right-click the Collection to open the menu, it requires you to open the ellipsis menu, select the menu option, and click again. A waste of time.


Microsoft, please allow a setting to disable Start to Collect for those who want the clean interface back again and re-enable the Collection right-click menu. Thanks.

As of today, June 1, 2023, the Start to Collect section has vanished from Edge! Don't know if this just temporary. If not, thanks Microsoft for listening to us.
No. Still there. I'm on version 113.0.1774.57



One day later and the suggested collections are back! Frustrating! Yesterday, I restarted Edge several times to convince myself that all was ok. Everything was fine. Today, all the colorful images are back. How can they be gone on one day and back the next? At any rate, at least for the time being, I'm switching back to Chrome.


Collections: Fantastic Function
Start to Collect: RUIN IT ALL

Please remove this part or at least allow us to disable it. Or I will simply stop using Collections.
Microsoft can never resist adding features without benefits, and this is a perfect example of that. Do people that work there use Collections? Adding "Start to Collect" ideas is like putting horseshoes on dogs. I'm a codger and despise opening my system almost every morning to a 5-minute show-and-tell about some updated but usually unneeded new marketing department "enhancement" to an important app on which I depend. Microsoft is not alone here, but "Start to Collect" is a perfect example of...of...of...of what?

@Cody Arnould 

I agree totally with the need to have a remove or a don't but me option. I like collections. I detest Microsoft pushing collections at me! HATE, HATE, HATE. It is very intrusive.

Ahhh, others who dislike this "Start to Collect" section following our own personal Collections. Hoping someone makes it go away soon or at least the option to disable this annoying list of unnecessary items.
This is just like widgets and the new tab page. Could be so great, full of useful, accessible info... yet some idiot thinks it's a great idea to cover it with clickbait-ey content that doesn't even relate to one's interests. Microsoft was doing great, using opensource, resorting to truly great design... and I get it, they need to make money. But I truly doubt removing all that crap from widgets and collections would make a dent in MS's finances. It's we were back in those days where Microsoft wanted MSN to be the greatest media company and stuffed it with crap. It's like watching network TV.

I really am hating the "push marketing" crap Microsoft has been building into Windows (widgets), Bing Home and Start pages,, Microsoft Start, and now Edge Collections. I want my information to be private. If I want to look for something I can do so, I do not want my time and attention to be wasted with any push marketing crap. Especially in areas where it does not belong. I should be able to use a computer and my phone without being subjected to crap load of push marketing. This is originally what took MSN (the horrific progeny of Netscape search) and Yahoo down the path of being the least used and least favorite search engine.
I have been a proud and unapologetic Microsoft supporter to the point that all that know me, have me surnamed, Microsoft's Freak Defender. With all of this new push marketing, Microsoft will lose me, heck I may even move to using an Apple computer and Chrome, my heretofore hated enemies.