An error occurred. (Error code: 9) (Extra code: 0)

Brass Contributor

Hi All 


I tried to update my EDGE, and got error as picture below. Could you help me how to fix it? I am using EDGE on Mac




43 Replies
I know why this is not working for me. When i install the Edge the /Library/LaunchDaemons/* is not created in the first place. That is why some ppl have issues in the first place to either remove or even get the solution to work.
Can it be that this is fixed in 118.0.2088.57?

My Edge browser on MacOS Sonoma 14.0 now shows "Microsoft Edge is up to date.". No more error 9.
I just tried to download the latest version and installed it on my mac M2. It works.

@yeliex after following your command, I faced error 8Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 7.23.42 PM.png