TechSpark Fellows Update: Expanding opportunities locally


Update from @Michelleschuler:

TechSpark update.png

As we embark on a new year marked by innovation and opportunities, I'm excited to share an update on the impactful strides made by the TechSpark Fellows in the first three months of the program. This progress report shows our commitment to exploring community needs, implementing new programs, and sustaining the factors driving local community impact and building ecosystems that expand opportunities.


I invite you to explore the TechSpark Fellows 3-month Impact Report. You'll find a state-by-state snapshot of the transformative projects initiated by the Fellows. 

6 Replies
These nonprofits are exploring local opportunities and implementing new programs by leveraging technology including AI. This takes breaking down silos and developing new ecosystems that include public, private, and nonprofit organizations.
We are elated to represent Idaho as a TexhSpark Fellow bridging the digital divide for at risk women.
This is super exciting!
So proud of the great work being done by my TechSpark fellows! I am excited about bringing AI skilling to underrepresented communities in the state of Connecticut and opening the doors to this new frontier.
Love to see all the great work happening across the nation by my fellow Fellows! I am so excited to be representing Pennsylvania and working to support tech entrepreneurship and digital access in our local startup community.
This is so AWESOME... Thank you Microsoft for allowing our organization to be a part of this great program.