Can not see "Windows Virtual Desktop" application in Azure AD

Iron Contributor

I have running and working Azure WVD infrastructure. I'm trying to enable `Start VM on connect` feature but I can not find a Enterprise Application or App Registration called "Windows Virtual Desktop" like being instructed. My Azure AD does not have anything with name "Windows Virtual Desktop" at all. I deployed Azure WVD through portal, using Wizard, did not do anything out of ordinary. WVD is using Azure AD based authentication (no ADDS etc)




7 Replies
Did you create the custom role for start vm connect?
If you did go in IAM of you subscription and add a role assignment. Here you select your custom role and assign it to Windows Virtual Desktop on the members tab.
If you need more help just DM me.

@Gregory Suvalian I'm not sure if this is the case here, but assuming you are attempting to attach the service to the role assignment step - this can be done using the steps seen in the below image. If not the case, then let me know and I'd be happy to look at other areas. I ran through this last week and hit a similar "Where is it?" moment. avd_startvm.jpg



I have the same problem here. I can only see Windows Virtual Desktop Client
3e071ce5-448a-4c40-a176-58066ba7a288 and I nee Windows Virtual Desktop 9cdead84-a844-4324-93f2-b2e6bb768d07

How can I fixt it?. Thanks in advance.
Did you register the Desktop Virtualization provider on the subscription? This step needs to be done or you will not find the app. Also, If you do it now the app will be called Azure Virtual Desktop because of the name change but the app id is the same.

@Gregory Suvalian 


Hi @Johan Vanneuville ,


Thanks for you reply.


I already register the Desktop Virtualization provider in the subscription. As you say, I can see Azure Virtual Desktop app but the id is 610684ab-c1fb-45c1-b95d-c7dc8d34a685 instead of 9cdead84-a844-4324-93f2-b2e6bb768d07

Solved. As @Johan Vanneuville said, the correct APP name is Azure Virtual Desktop app with the following id 610684ab-c1fb-45c1-b95d-c7dc8d34a685.

Thanks a lots.