Social media

Community Manager

Social media has been in the news a lot lately, with tons of new platforms, the existing platforms changing a lot, and overall a period of potential upheaval and growth. 


Are you on social media? If so, which platforms do you use? Are you trying any of the new ones?


If you're not on social media, why not?


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8 Replies

(For me, I mostly use Facebook and Reddit, a little on Twitter but less than before. I've also explored Mastodon a bit, but haven't tried any of the other new ones.)

Social media, like Facebook are helping commercial markets to promote their products. Microsoft Marketplace, they do have marketplace to sell vendor products online, Even Microsoft product licenses, Surface notebooks, Window mobiles are also selling through their Facebook marketplace channels.
We have N number of customers in Social media, They are looking for same product from different domains at lower cost.
Why has the impact happened?
What makes the loopholes to create the differences?
Any analytics reasons could be good to know that Microsoft has done some research on it*
Yeah Reddit, and no, I'm not trying any new ones. I hosted an Element-Matrix (formerly Riot) chatroom for a while, and I'm honestly not that impressed by it or any of the other new platforms like Mastodon.
and Microsoft tech community?

@Finlay_dyer23  Hi,

Could you explain your opinion>?

Currently, I mostly use Twitter/X (With an extensive list of people I follow for tech news), Facebook (For events/groups), LinkedIN (For tech news, reconnecting with former colleagues, etc.), Discord (Follow a few PowerShell groups in there), Slack (Also follow people and my girlfriend and I use that for chatting)

I want to use other new ones, but they are not always available in Europe. (Like BlueSkye)
Social media has revolutionized communication, connecting people globally in an instant. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram enable users to share thoughts, photos, and videos. Social media not only facilitates personal connections but also serves as a powerful tool for businesses, influencers, and organizations to reach and engage with diverse audiences.

Social media's constant evolution offers both challenges and opportunities, making it a lively topic of discussion. I engage with several established platforms and am intrigued by the new entrants reshaping how we connect and share experiences. For anyone looking to enhance their digital footprint or explore the dynamic landscape of social media, insights and tools for boosting online visibility can be crucial. Platforms like Instagram remain pivotal in this ever-changing scene. For tips on navigating these changes and making the most of your social media endeavors, check over here for valuable strategies and support.