Problem with an Access table

Copper Contributor

Hello. I have a little problem using Microsoft 365 Access: In some table of of one of my BD's, the order of the colummns that Design View shows is some different that Data Sheet shows. Why this issue happens and what must I do to fix it? Thanks for your answers.


Guillermo Gartner

email address removed for privacy reasons 

3 Replies



In datasheet view, click on the gray border above a column containing the column name, hold down the mouse button, drag the column to the desired position and drop it there.


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Hello Karl. I want to thank you a lot for your kind answer of this week. Indeed, with your suggestion I solved my little issue, but I would wish to know why these things happens. As i mentioned in my question, if I see the Design View, this column is in its correctly position but in the Data Sheet View it is in another position. What could cause this issue? Thanks again por your new answer.


Sincerely yours





As you have seen, you can change the position of the column in datasheet view at any time without affecting the position of the field in design view. So if someone does this intentionally or unintentionally (e.g. mouse slip), the positions will no longer match.



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