Retention policy for Teams

Brass Contributor



I dont' know if some of you already think about the governance of Teams and O365 groups ( Conversation, files , notes, etc). I'm currently testing it to see the real behavior.


I configured a Retention policy for each service ( Exchange online, sharepoint online, O365 groups, Teams ) . The goal is to keep all the DATA FOREVER as we are working in a financial institution.


As you know all , when you are creating a team site, a groupmail mailbox is created  and a sharepoint site is created . Fine .

To see the groupmailbox of the O365 group and Team there are 2 ways :

Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize unlimited | select Displayname,name,*size*,manage*,recipien*,share*,accessty*,primary*,hidden*,GroupMemberCount | Out-GridView



Get-mailbox -GroupMailbox -resultsize unlimited



After applying the retention policy , I can't delete anymore any Sharepoint site ( Popup : Can't delete site : A compliance policy is currently blocking this site deletion) 


Wonderfull .... I will keep all the sharepoint site and in case of legal and audit investigation, you can check 


Now I'm trying to delete an O365 group or a Team Site .... and it's working . The team site is deleted.

I checked the associated sharepoint site and great the sharepoint site has not been deleted


Then I was looking for the groupmailbox ( get-mailbox -groupmailbox -inactivmailbox) ... the groupmailbox from this team site has been deleted . This means that in 30 days , I will lose all data conversation .


I got 2 questions:

1. Why the retention policy is not working for groupmailbox of teams and O365 . I have enabled the same FOREVER retention policy as the sharepoint once.


2. Is it a way to put the groupmail mailbox in a status "inactive mailbox" like for normal user and shared mailboxes ? I tried but impossible to set litigationhold to true  ?


I'm really looking a way to keep any data from all O365 application in case of investigation .

The retention policy is not working as expected or I missed something . The sharepoint data are moved to the "Preservation Hold Library" when a document is deleted and the exchange recoverable items are working well as well .


Hope to get some feedback .

4 Replies

@Vasil Michev  @Tony Redmond


Hello ,

I read carefully all the reply . If I correctly understood , when a Team or O365 groups is deleted , the asssoicated sharepoint is not due to the retention policy applied on sharepoint (this is the behavior that I got) but the O365 groups are deleted, with a possibility to restore within 30 days . And if a retention policy has been activated , the content of the O365 groups or teams ( essentially the conversation chats and groupmail message) are retained somewhere and these data can be receovered via the eDiscovery .


Is this correct ?


Why Microsoft didn't implement a similar litigation hold status for the groupmailbox of the O365 group deleted ?

The ways I can see this , the groupmailbox is deleted , then put in litigation hold unlimited, it's becoming a inactiv groupmailbox. If required for investigation, then a new O365 group is created and we link again the O365 group to the groupmailbox and the data is accessible directly through a teams , etc . Much easier.  At the moment it will be difficult to search for a specific O365 group or Teams deleted 1 or 2 years ago 



At the moment I deleted a teams site ( 10 days ago deleted )which was containing emails, documents, conversation. I did a search via the eDiscovery and export the result to a PST file . Now I will see in 20 days ( after the 30 days) if I can find the message of the groupmailbox of this deleted O365 groups



None of us here can speak on behalf of Microsoft...

@benoitrando isn't the better point here that Teams is the same as SharePoint and the same as Exchange, you don't need to learn new skills.