Copper Contributor

Not sure how to phrase this but ….


I have a worksheet that I want to track due dates based on a the date we received document.  I used a formula to automatically calculate that due date but the cells are showing a date value of "02/01/00" as the cell the formula is based on does not contain the date we received as these dates will be entered as the items come into the office.  I do not want to see the date value of "02/01/00" instead I want the cell to reflect the due date when data is entered.  Not sure if this is making sense to anyone. 


I know I can set up the worksheet to not show zero values which technically that's the case here but I can't figure out how to tweak it so that the date value doesn't appear until the date is entered ini the cell the formula is based on.



4 Replies

Maybe try using a formula like this (See attached .xlsx file for additional reference):


If this doesn't help maybe you could provide further detail to your particular situation or a non-sensitive mock up file to help the community understand your inquiry better.






Hey lkm0707-


Just wanted to follow up with you and see if you were able to resolve your issue or if you still needed more assistance?  Please feel free to post back to the community!  Always happy to help.

@Matt Mickle   Good Morning, I am having a similar problem. And hope that you can assist. It is a file on expiration dates of registrations and insurance. My calculations work fine. Except if I leave either the expiration date or insurance exp date out it provides -45363 in the cell when I would like it to show no data in the cell if the expiration date is not entered. see below the first two are correct the third is showing the -45363

DESCRIPTIONVin NumberID #PlatePlateRegistration ExpDays
 Jeep Wrangler UL1C4BJWD47 CIB-41912/8/2024271
Cargo Van1FTNE2EW42 CGE-7552/13/2024-28
 Ford F550  1FDUF5G10 CHM-913 -45363


If those Registration Exp[iration] values are in column F, then any of these formulas should work for row 4 of column G:

=IF( ISBLANK(F4), "", F4 - TODAY() )
=IF( F4 = "", "", F4 - TODAY() )
=IF( F4 = 0, "", F4 - TODAY() )

 Other techniques are possible, but a formula such as above is the simplest.