Book Marking in Excel

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


Hoping someone can help me, I have a large working spreadsheet that I need to add bookmarks too between worksheets. Now, I know you can hyperlink from a anchor text to a specific cell. However, as this spreadsheet is in use and information will be added to it on a regular basis - information will be moving around. Therefore, is there a way I can book mark and anchor text to another anchor text instead of to a cell so the information will remain coupled regardless of information being added and text moving around in a work book?


Thanks in advance. 




2 Replies
You could use the HYPERLINK function in combination with the CELL function. like so:
=HYPERLINK(CELL("address",Sheet1!B9),"Click here")
If you do it this way, inserting or deleting rows/columns will cause the HYPERLINK function to adjust itself. Alternatively, you can also use range names for the cells you want to link to. A disadvantage is that you have to create a range name for each link.

Hi, @Jan Karel Pieterse 

Thank you for your response! I am not fantastically confident with excel formula's but I'll give it ago! 


Thanks :)