Problem Steps recorder deprecation - what does this mean for Windows Server vNext?


PSR is one of the most requested tool by Microsoft support at the moment. Some will ask "misusing" PowerPoint and screen recording meanwhile and instead of PSR.

PSR will become deprecated and since Windows OS and Windows Server are pretty much intertwined and PSR is a common tool for both, I would like to hear about your idea about its future.

deprecation announcement:

my former idea included to bring it to a set of PowerToys project but I am not so sure about admins want to install PowerToys on Windows Server / Server Core, especially as it requires frequent updates.

Snipping tool would be choice but afaik this "store" app is not on the equal level with Windows Client on vNext. After you have brought Microsoft Terminal app and modern notepad App to vNext, we still hope for winget, maybe Snipping Tool should be the next to be considered to be equal on Windows Server and Client. 

I begin to wonder if this all doesn't even require to bring Windows Store to Windows Server. 
Yes many will bombard you with "we do not need the ability users dl games" on our server with their user permissions, but I believe with more GPO based control, we could handle it. 

Development / IT Pro 
Usecase: internal or User documentation / Guidance

1 Reply
just double checked, Windows Server vNext is still using the legacy snipping tool, that is removed on Client. Far from ideal. Tools like this are needed on WS for troubleshooting and documentation (with / without RDP session, and also including Windows Server Insider reports.

Of course we could snip via RDP, but I can imagine it will help to get a full featured replacement for snipping tool legacy + psr.exe. Thank you for your consideration, once again.