Dev Home and Outlook on Windows Server 2025 Datacenter

Not applicable

Why, why I got Dev Home and Outlook apps on Windows Server 2025 Datacenter build 26085? They appeared randomly and they are pointless on a Server. Is this another mistake by Microsoft (i reefer to the Copilot one on WS2025)? Lemme know then, thanks!

2 Replies
Oh no, not again typical Client-Cloud stuff on a Server OS. This is a serious trust issue, and it seems that, whoever at Microsoft has that part in responsibility, does a bad job at increasing the trust in Microsoft. It is like they intentionally destroy all the effort that is going on below the hood, below the UI.

We looked into this.   There was a compositional error whereby a Windows Update component specific to Client was included, briefly, in a Server flight.  We noticed this issue as well; it has been fixed and that WU component will be removed in the next Insider flight.   

