Tech Community Live: Windows edition
Jun 05 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

problems changing from release to beta channel

Copper Contributor


Even if my pc has all Windows 11 minimum requirements,  it seems I can't change from Release Preview Channel to Beta Channel. Thanks for collaboration. Best regards.


4 Replies
Windows 11 is currently available in the Dev channel.
You have to wait for availability in other channels.
As Reza state. Windows 11 is still only in Dev Builds. It's projected to reach Beta Builds later this month.

Thank you for responding. The real problem is that I can't seem to change from Release Preview to Beta channel.

It could be your computer doesn't meet the hardware requirements for Beta Channel or the entire Windows Insider Program in regards to Windows 11. So you're being kept in Release Preview Channel which will be the Windows 10 Preview Build Updates. An option is to wait into Windows 11 does hit Beta Channel, and see if it will allow you to jump up to Beta at that point.