How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

Bronze Contributor

How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

1,322 Replies
Good Idea!
Below is a list. Feel free to add individual/prominent windows devs if you find them.



Would be great to see if Dave Plummer of youtube "dave's garage" fame has much pull or connections still at MS @davepl1968



Well, lets hope. As far as I can remember, it was in 2000-2002 when MS reacted to one of my reported "anomalies" in Windows 2000/XP.

Those good old times... .

Back then I uploaded an virtual PC Image directly to MS (they just bought the company who developed Virtual PC/Server) with a mail, how to reproduce the steps.


Sadly those time are long gone. Now it feels that they are as far away as the moon for us... .

Microsoft, please get this feature back!


please get back the "never combine taskbar buttons" feature ASAP!

What, this is still not fixed? I tried Windows 11 when it came out, but went back to Windows 10 due to the missing "never combine taskbar" button. Now I wanted to install Windows 11 again thinking they have fixed that issue for sure, but what do I see? Common, guys at Microsoft, please give us that option back.
my laptop is old . it's really slower than Win10. I know I can't require more in the testing version, . But I really need the "not combining" feature :(
Someone on twitter, ask Elon Mask to bring attention to this!
We need to pull it out of MS's backlog in their Jira :D
Well, it seems like Microsoft developers don't use Windows 11 for development themselves. That's for sure...
I upgraded to windows 11, found this wasn't an option, went immediately back to windows 10. Come on MS, it's been a year, please put this feature back!
Microsoft, please get this feature back! It slows down my work process. I rollback to Windows 10.

I'd just like to state that this worked for me.

Now to fix the start menu :)

Microsoft. please get back the "never combine taskbar buttons".
Just installed the latest Windows 11 major update. Totally disappointing that this fix was not included.
We are approaching 1000 comments on this thread. Likely that each person who comments represents at least another 1000 who do not write but only complains. There are probably well over 1,000,000 users pissed off at Microsoft.
I am ready to buy a new computer but will not until there is an operating system that does not cause me pain. Microsoft is not only hurting its users, but also its hardware partners who are selling fewer machines due to their lack of customer focus. Pathetic.

Like many others, this is keeping from Win 11.
Just tried

It worked — finally, I have the taskbar on the left side of the screen without combined buttons %)

I found that link in the discussion, but somewhy that's not the "Best response"! Please, like my comment or one of the previous ones with the link — let's show people how they can change things to the better! :)
I'm glad that you were able to get a work-around for the grouped taskbar windows. I still have no desire to upgrade to Win 11 while I'm on my current computer. However, if I need to purchase a new computer, it is good to know there is a workable patch to install. As all of us have noted on this site, the Windows 11 grouped taskbar icons is frustrating. Actually, since I'm not longer working (retired), I'm considering what it would mean to use Chrome OS on a regular basis. The problem is that I'm still very old fashioned when it comes to saving items. I like to save on my computer's hard drive instead of somewhere in the cloud. Thank you for the tip.
Why you removed never combine option? Its very important option for many people. Bring it back!
Microsoft please, please, PLEASE, put the 'dont combine windows' option back in! Using excel is a nightmare when you're working between 5+ spreadsheets!!!!
Productivity takes a dive in the move to Win11 and this is unfortunately just one of the contributory factors. Please restore capability to split out taskbar icons.
I'm having the same problem ~ PLEASE bring the ungroup option back. The lack of this option is so frustrating and I want to go back to Windows 10. Add me to the list of disgruntled users. Microsoft, PLEASE bring back never combine option. It's not possible to multitask without this option.