How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

Bronze Contributor

How to let windows 11 "never combine taskbar buttons"?

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A fine sentiment and it's one that I held onto myself for a good while following the loss of support for XP (which was a great OS), but an OS is only as useful as the applications that you run on it and I soon discovered that even though there was no technical reason why new applications could not run on XP, nevertheless Microsoft changed all the installers so as to reject installing onto XP as soon as it was out of support. Not a problem if you happen to already have downloaded an old installer, but there were enough new applications and technologies of interest that I wanted to play with, and I was also finding that even where I still liked the old applications they steadily became incompatible with the evolving world around them, and so I was forced to upgrade to W7 (which thankfully turned out not to be too bad at all). And this is the ongoing issue - as long as you're happy and able to keep using old applications and your digital hygiene is good, then yes it's practical to keep using an OS after it's out of support, but sadly I have found that the constraints of the real world interrupt what would otherwise be a happy reverie.
...and speaking for the home user - I don't want 3rd party "fixes" either! I'm not a power user and do NOT want to be thinking of installing, uninstalling, and modifying the OS. I still work with many windows open at a time, and still want the ability to NOT combine windows. I wish those that advocate "fixing" this with 3rd party software would realize that the reason so many have posted here is not because they want a 3rd party solution, it's because MS needs to change this themselves. They had a useful option (never combine), and they took it away. They need to bring it back. 3rd party solutions are NOT on my radar, for many of the same reasons advocated above about long term viability of 3rd party software vs. MS support.

Please bring back to WIndows 11 the "never combine" option!

Where is the update from MS for this? Why isn't this being fixed?

This has been going on for an completely unreasonable amount of time. When people are resorting to 3rd party DLLs and tools to bring back a feature which was removed for literally no good reason, its time to make a bridge.

I second his request. Just installed Windows 11 ... and "it's not there!"
its been almost 9 months...unbelievable... bring the **bleep** back!

@JKJKJK1615Just saw this product news (you have to pay for the product, like old shareware, but this time commercial)

That is Start 11 by stardock. I can confirm it works. The taskbar features is still in beta, but it's working for me. I used Start8 back in the windows 8 days so I don't have many concerns about running Start11 now. But, as mentioned it's not free, but It's $5 for a single machine license or $15 for 5 machines.

A nice bonus is, that other than all the other customizations you can do, right clicking on the taskbar gets you a task manager option. No digging through multiple menus to get a simple function.
Yeah, nice job. I just dont want to pay for it, i already paid for windows…

I downloaded Start11 but did not see the "never combine' feature. Please let me know where it is. -- Thank you!! 


Assuming you have the beta installed, Open the Start11 settings window, click on taskbar and then click the slider to "let start11 enhance the taskbar"
I may not have the beta version. I do not see that option in the Start11 Taskbar settings. The only options I have are aesthetic (color, size, texture ...) changes.
Already regret the transition...
I've been on Windows 11 for 6 minutes. Discovered this limitation. Going back to Windows 10. See ya!
Please bring back the "never combine" option back. It is unproductive the way it is. The user know what he wants. You do not. People who wants extreme simplicity goes for Mac, people who uses windows wants the options to customize it. If I wanted something that looks like Mac would buy a Mac.
Almost 9 months and still no update about this.
Oi microsoft, seriously?
When will this feature be returned? This is just stupid idiocy! There are no pluses in win11, a complete disappointment!

Please bring back this feature. Its impossible to multitask when I have multiple windows for the same application open.