can't upgrade to windows 11 insider preview 10.0.26058.1100 (ge_release) error code 0xdx0000034

Copper Contributor
116 Replies

how would you get the new update instead of the old bad one? mine still trying to update to the old one. @XmattX 

Pause updates in Windows Update settings, then resume them. Or download the ISO.


I seem to be getting same update every time i Hit retry..

So I have now downloaded the ISO - hopefully this one works

ok ill try once i am at pc, about downloading the ISO wont that require me to do a complete clean install? that is something I want to avoid. thanks for your reply btw
I didn’t do anything to get the new update. It was there when I turned the laptop on this morning and I just hit “update”. Didn’t pause anything or use an ISO or some such.
It just showed up and the old one has disappeared. Maybe you just need to wait. Or try to restart the pc and run windows update again.


Hi you will have the option to do it or not

that means you can maintain apps and files already on pc


I did not have any luck with OS build 26080.1100

same result as before

again updates paused

Well crap. I dont know what to tell you to help out. I literally just waited until this morning. Havent changed any setting or deleted any setting up updated drivers.
Same problem with me bro did you found out a solution

@Piyush1308R  Download the ISO to upgrade to the latest version bypassing this version, (read about how it works there as well) is 26085 ge for me, I think it might be 26061 first then you can download the rest of the updates. Make sure that you choose save all your data which I think is default, or you will do a clean reinstall over all your files. Back Up! Peace hope this helps.

I can confirm the issue is with the AMD gpu drivers, i removed them with DDU and performed update and went fine
I have a feeling we have to clean install Windows. Still waiting for a better option though
After several attempts (for weeks), even uninstalling the AMD drivers (Adrenaline 24.1.1), it still didn't update build 26058. Today, I disabled the graphics card in the device manager. So the update to build 26058 worked. And I've already upgraded to the 26100.