Introducing the BetterUp Experience in Microsoft Viva
Published Jul 18 2023 08:30 AM 6,249 Views

Microsoft Viva, the employee experience platform, empowers organizations to drive engagement and productivity throughout their workforce. This includes guidance and insights made available to millions of Microsoft Viva users through the Microsoft Viva Digest email, aiming to help employees be their most engaged and productive selves.  


We are excited to announce that starting in August, a new integrated experience from BetterUp will be available in Microsoft Viva. This experience features inspiring stories from thought leaders and luminaries, personalized insights from evidence-based assessments, and coaching tools to support purpose, performance and productivity.  



Wellbeing, in the flow of work  


Microsoft customers will be invited to access the new BetterUp experience from their Microsoft Viva Digest emails starting next month. To view the videos, participate in assessments, and engage in the guided practices available with BetterUp, users can select the “BetterUp” video link from the Digest emails. This link takes them to the BetterUp experience within the Microsoft Viva Insights app on Microsoft Teams. Additional BetterUp content can be accessed through the BetterUp website. 



View and access BetterUp content from the Microsoft Viva Digest email  


Science-backed research and thought leadership  


New content will be published monthly that builds the behaviors, mindsets, and skills scientifically proven to boost wellbeing, productivity, leadership, and connection in the flow of work.  


Thought leaders and luminaries featured in this experience include world class athlete and entrepreneur Maria Sharapova; designer, creative director, and philanthropist Aurora James; actor, screenwriter, director, and producer Michaela Coel; psychotherapist and author Lori Gottlieb; creative director and author Welby Altidor; and more. Each will share expert guidance and insights from their professional and personal experiences, to help others find inspiration and empowerment. 


The experience also includes snackable guided practices like visualizations and self-reflections, and evidence-based assessments, based on the insights from nearly 3 million coaching sessions from BetterUp. These tools are designed to help users build behaviors and skills to navigate their own personal and professional journeys.  


Building skills and mindsets  


Microsoft’s most recent Work Trend Index revealed that employees are finding it hard to find time to do their jobs: 64% of people surveyed say they struggle with having the time or energy to do their jobs, and these people are 3.5 times more likely to struggle with innovation and strategic thinking. This flows throughout teams and organizations as well: 60% of leaders are feeling the effects, noting that lack of innovation or breakthrough ideas in their teams is a concern. 


The new experience from Microsoft Viva and BetterUp aims to help organizations tackle these challenges. “With today's distributed workforce, it's important to provide employees with tools that help them stay inspired, productive, and connected," said Seth Patton, General Manager of Microsoft Viva. "The new BetterUp integration in Microsoft Viva provides rich engaging content and unlocks insights to help improve employee engagement and performance -- all while staying right in the flow of work."  


For employees and organizations as a whole, the key to long-term success lies in fostering and developing the right mindsets, skills, and behaviors to achieve peak performance,” said Alexi Robichaux, co-founder and CEO of BetterUp. "Historically, companies have been limited in providing scalable solutions to grow and develop their entire workforce. BetterUp is addressing this opportunity by integrating science-backed, human-centric solutions seamlessly into the flow of work with Microsoft Viva, where millions of employees are engaging daily.” 


Interested in learning more about what’s happening in Microsoft Viva?  


Check out the latest blog posts on Viva Insights’ new features here.

Watch some of the latest content about Viva and other Microsoft solutions at Microsoft Inspire here.

Experience Viva Insights for yourself with a free 60-day trial from the Microsoft Viva Insights homepage.

Version history
Last update:
‎Aug 18 2023 02:15 PM
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