[Teams 2.0] How my custom Teams app cross launch the PC application

Copper Contributor

The main issue of Teams 2.0 is that we cannot open external link which is of user-defined protocol, to accept cross-launch. For example, we registered my_protocal://url_content in system's register table, and installed its related application MyApp.exe. We can open My custom App by visiting my_protocal://url_content on classic Microsoft Teams, but not in Teams2.0.

According to the Microsoft document: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/javascript/api/%40microsoft/teams-js/secondarybrowser?view=msteams-client-js-latest  Windows Open is standard API. On web and desktop, please use the window.open() method or other native external browser methods.

1 Reply

@Cecil570 - We got update from engineering team saying that there is planning to address this in the future but do not yet have a timeline we can publicly share.

Once we have an ETA, we will inform in this thread. 




Prasad Das


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