DPM 2022 UR2 cannot discover MS SQL 2014 any database.

Copper Contributor

For DPM 2019 (with last UR) works is fine and all DB discovered, i tested on 3 servers with MS sql 2014! but on another DPM 2022 UR2 - discovered all disks and folders but not found SQL DB, cannot enumerate DB. For SQL 2016-2022 discovered fine!

Example error:
DPM could not enumerate application component SERVER\MSSQLSERVER\master on protected computer SERVER.example.com. (ID: 964).
Please make sure that writer is in good state.

All VSS Writers its good state, on all 3 tested servers.

1 Reply

@skofild I'm having exactly the same issue, except my SQL servers are 2016 (13.0.6435.1).


Anyone got any ideas?