Services Overview
Published Feb 15 2019 10:23 AM 150 Views
First published on TECHNET on Feb 09, 2012
One of our System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management MVPs, Kristian Nese, wrote up a great article on his blog describing services in System Center Virtual Machine Manager.  I definitely recommend taking a read through that if you are new to services in Virtual Machine Manager.

Here is a link to the article on Kristian’s blog:

Also, check out the blog series by Yung Chou, Sr. IT Pro Evangelist at Microsoft, if you aren’t already following this:

Also, check out these previous posts on this blog from Alaks Sevugan if you haven’t already:

Overview of a Service in SCVMM 2012

Creating Service Templates using the VMM 2012 Service Template Designer

How to customize and deploy a Service in SCVMM 2012

I’ll keep adding more info here as I come across it.  If you have some other information sources on services, please drop them in the comments!

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 11 2019 09:05 AM
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