Troubleshooting SSIS Package Performance Issues
Published Mar 25 2019 03:10 PM 3,570 Views
Copper Contributor
First published on MSDN on Aug 07, 2011

Today’s post is from Wee Hyong Tok, a Program Manager with the SSIS team based in Shanghai. It provides some tips on using T-SQL to analyze performance issues for packages running on the new SSIS Catalog. For more information about the new logging functionality in Denali, see Jamie Thomson’s post about report authoring .

When an SSIS package is running slower than usual, an administrator or SSIS developer might want to figure out the part of the package that is causing it to run slowly. An administrator might also want to build a monitoring mechanism (e.g. a SQL Agent job) that alerts him/her whenever packages that have been deployed to the SSIS catalog are running slower than usual.

In order to obtain performance-related information for packages that have been deployed to the SSIS catalog, you will need to make use of the Performance or Verbose Logging level.

Note: In the Verbose level, besides capturing performance related information, it might also log other messages which might not be useful in performance troubleshooting. Consider using the Performance Logging Level if you want error, warning, and performance information to be captured for packages that have been deployed to the SSIS catalog. The Performance Logging level provides a good balance between having sufficient information for troubleshooting a wide set of SSIS package issues (e.g. package failures, performance issues) and having a performance impact to the package (due to the information that gets logged).
We show how you can make use of the following public views to identify the component (and phase) for a SSIS package performance issue.


The following example shows how you can make use of T-SQL to identify the package executions that might have performance issues. Given a package, we first identify all the package executions that are successful (i.e. status = 7).


declare @foldername nvarchar(260)

declare @projectname nvarchar(260)

declare @packagename nvarchar(260)

set @foldername = 'Folder1'

set @projectname = 'Project1'

set @packagename = 'Dim_DCVendor.dtsx'

DECLARE @ExecIds table(execution_id bigint);

insert into @ExecIds

SELECT execution_id

FROM catalog.executions

WHERE folder_name = @foldername

AND project_name = @projectname

AND package_name = @packagename

AND status = 7

From these successful executions, we identify the tasks (and their corresponding execution ID). We order the results, in descending order), by the time spent in the execution.

SELECT es.execution_id, e.executable_name, ES.execution_duration
FROM catalog.executable_statistics es, catalog.executables e
es.executable_id = e.executable_id AND
es.execution_id = e.execution_id AND
es.execution_id in (select * from @ExecIds)
ORDER BY e.executable_name,es.execution_duration DESC;

In order to identify the tasks that are taking longer than usual, we first compute the average and standard deviation for the duration spent by each task. In the query, we define a “slower than usual” task as one whose duration is greater than average + standard deviation (i.e. es.execution_duration > (AvgDuration.avg_duration + AvgDuration.stddev))

With AverageExecDudration As (
select executable_name, avg(es.execution_duration) as avg_duration,STDEV(es.execution_duration) as stddev
from catalog.executable_statistics es, catalog.executables e
es.executable_id = e.executable_id AND
es.execution_id = e.execution_id AND
es.execution_id in (select * from @ExecIds)
group by e.executable_name
select es.execution_id, e.executable_name, ES.execution_duration, AvgDuration.avg_duration, AvgDuration.stddev
from catalog.executable_statistics es, catalog.executables e,
AverageExecDudration AvgDuration
es.executable_id = e.executable_id AND
es.execution_id = e.execution_id AND
es.execution_id in (select * from @ExecIds) AND
e.executable_name = AvgDuration.executable_name AND
es.execution_duration > (AvgDuration.avg_duration + AvgDuration.stddev)
order by es.execution_duration desc

From the results of the query, we can identify all the “slower than usual” tasks. Suppose the name of the task is [DFT Load DC Vendor] , and its corresponding ID is 188 . We zoom into this specific execution, and identify the time spent in each phase of the data flow task.

declare @probExec bigint

set @probExec = 188

-- Identify the component’s total and active time

select package_name, task_name, subcomponent_name, execution_path,

SUM(DATEDIFF(ms,start_time,end_time)) as active_time,

DATEDIFF(ms,min(start_time), max(end_time)) as total_time

from catalog.execution_component_phases

where execution_id = @probExec

group by package_name, task_name, subcomponent_name, execution_path

order by active_time desc

declare @component_name nvarchar(1024)

set @component_name = 'DFT Load DC Vendor'

-- See the breakdown of the component by phases

select package_name, task_name, subcomponent_name, execution_path,phase,

SUM(DATEDIFF(ms,start_time,end_time)) as active_time,

DATEDIFF(ms,min(start_time), max(end_time)) as total_time

from catalog.execution_component_phases

where execution_id = @probExec AND subcomponent_name = @component_name

group by package_name, task_name, subcomponent_name, execution_path, phase

order by active_time desc

From the breakdown of the phases, we figure out that a particular phase is experiencing performance issue. Consequently, we can look into the design of the package for the specific data flow component to resolve the performance issue.

We will love to hear stories on how you are using these new views and capabilities introduced in SQL Server “Denali” to troubleshoot performance issues in SSIS package. Add your story as a comment to this post!

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 25 2019 03:10 PM
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