I am getting "All Windows Minimized" when I join a meeting.

Copper Contributor

I am getting "All Windows Minimized" when I join a meeting.


I click "Skype Meetings App" plug-in, then after I am sure it's installed I click on Join the Meeting.

Per the following instructions, I have:

1. Uninstall Skype for Business Meetings app, then join a meeting and reinstall this add-in. DONE


2. Adjust PC display settings, set Scale and layout to 100% (recommended) and resolution to recommended value, restart PC and only launch Skype Meetings app to test it. DONE


3. Update PC graph drivers as well as other drivers to see if it can make any difference. DIDN"T DO


4. Use a different network as sometime issue can be caused by specific network. DON"T HAVE CHOICE


I have tried through Google and Edge - an no luck at all


PLEASE HELP!!!  I need to use Skype to conduct training today at 1 PM!

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