WebDAV Protocol End Of Life Queries and Support for WebDAV commands in PowerShell

Copper Contributor

We have java based server hosting WebDAV with milton.io framework. We provide Clients server to List, Download or Upload documents via PowerShell commands or WinSCP  or WindowsFolder connected to WebDAV URL.


My query: Do we know Clients Windows Server would continue to support WebDAV protocol which communicates over WebDAV/HTTPS (Options, Methods) will continue to use this feature. Considering Clients use windows server to communicate with our WebDAVserver.


We want to ensure there is no deprecations or end of life support for WebDAV protocols from Windows Server side.


We want to ensure that Client servers are able to run powershell commands as mentioned below to continue to use



Net use F: https://mycompany.webdavserver.com password*** /USER:username


New-PSDrive -Name WebDavShare -Credential $C -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $uri | Out-Null

Get-ChildItem "WebDavShare:\parentFolder\RootWebDAVFolder" |
Foreach-Object {
echo $_.FullName




2 Replies
Looking forward for Updates or Confirmations.
My apologies if the query has been posted in wrong space.
Could someone add an official update from Microsoft - If this is not the relevant space, could someone help point to the right space for this discussion.