Unable to set site collection admin with Set-SPOSite

Iron Contributor



in our SPO tenant we have a couple of site collections that no global admin account can access.

I tried making a global admin account of ours the site collection admin by using Set-SPOSite.


Strangely enough, I'm getting an error stating: "Set-SPOSite: The site at url [...] was not found."

However, when I open the corresponding url in the browser I'm not getting a message that the site was not found., 403 I believe. Instead I'm seeing a completely blank page but in the url address bar it says: "/_layouts/15/AccessDenied.aspx?[..]"


Next, I executed "Get-SPOSite | Select LockState, Owner".

The site is not locked but the owner is an account that I've never encountered before: ylo001\_spofrm_145_11106


The affected site collections do not appear in the admin center under sites or in the recycle bin.


Does anybody have an idea how I can rectify this situation?


Thanks for your help.


5 Replies

Is this, by chance, a site linked to a Group? If so, what you can do is just add the user as owner in the Group and wait just some time so changes are propagated to SPO.

@Olf try running below commands and see if the site will get displayed


Get-PnPTenantSite -WebTemplate SITEPAGEPUBLISHING#0

Get-PnPTenantSite -WebTemplate GROUP#0


Unfortunately, the affected site collections do not have any of those templates.

Moreover, running Get-SPOSite | Select-Object Template shows that the problematic sites do not even have a template associated with them. Running the same cmdlet for any regular site will show me its template. I will try to create a MS support ticket.

Hi Florian Hein,


Please try the below steps:

1. Run 

Get-sposite and Note the URL of the affected Site collection.

2. Run

Get-SPOSite "URL NOTED IN STEP 1" | Set-SPOSite -Owner "EMAIL ADDRESS of the desired OWNER" -Confirm


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Hi Florian Hein,


Please try the below steps:

1. Run 

Get-sposite and Note the URL of the affected Site collection.

2. Run

Get-SPOSite "URL NOTED IN STEP 1" | Set-SPOSite -Owner "EMAIL ADDRESS of the desired OWNER" -Confirm


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