SharePoint 2016 Custom Tiles and intermittent visibility issues

Copper Contributor

I started playing with SP 2016 Custom Tiles and have (more or less) successfully configured an example tile that I was finally able to get to appear in the app launcher popout.  I do have a couple of questions, however:


I have noticed issues with newly added custom tiles not appearing to users ... I'm aware of the caching issue and running the ClearSuiteLinksCache() command -- but that typically does NOT resolve the issue.  I know it is not an access issue since the users I use do have access to the Custom List, as well as the site the list is stored under.  Also, I am eventually able to see the item after multiple attempts to connect to the site -- sometimes after clearing the browser cache, stopping and restarting the browser, it works -- other times it does not. 


The ONLY way I've found to get it to work more or less consistently is to force a browser logout and logging back in using the hidden SP URL -- this seems to be about 90% consistent in getting custom tiles to show up.




Is there some behind-the-scenes background process that is needed for newly added custom tiles to appear consistently and quickly?  Some job that maybe needs to run more frequently?


3 Replies
We've had issues like this ever since the waffle was rolled out. It works probably 80% of the time IMO. Supposedly some new announcements around this coming at ignite, may have to wait and see.

Thanks for the info.  We're seeing probably 30% of the time where it works ... ClearSuiteLinksCache() usually does not work, but it works sometimes.  Most reliable "fix" so far seems to be a forced logout  (although even that is not 100%)

Hi again -- I know it's been a while on this issue, but wondering if you've run across/heard anything else to get this working consistently?

