Quick Edit mode list save conflict missing

Iron Contributor



When 2 users edit a list item at the same time the second person to click save will see the conflict message below:


Save Conflict. Your changes conflict with those made concurrently by another user. If you want your changes to be applied, click Back in your Web browser, refresh the page, and resubmit your changes.


When 2 users edit the same item in Quick Edit mode the 2nd user will overwrite the data that the first user made and there is no save conflict message.


Does anyone know if there is a way to add the save conflict message to the quick edit mode? I want people to edit the list but not run into conflicts with others who are doing the same.


(I'm working in a SharePoint 2013 on prem site)

2 Replies
AFAIK, there is no way to add the conflic message to the Quick Edit Mode...it's not there
I did some more testing and found out that having Version History enabled captures all the edits that occur when users are modifying the same items. This answers my question at this time.