I want to get all the images from /_layouts/15/images/

Copper Contributor

How do i get all the images from /_layouts/15/images/ folder.



9 Replies



Sorry I dont understand the question, what are you trying to accomplish that you would need to access images in that directory?

I want to copy all the images and download them into my local drive. How do i achieve that?

If you have admin rights to the server you can browse to this directory and copy the files. Next question to ask is are you using a SharePoint online or on premises?

I am using SP online, is there a workaround?

You can use the "Open with explorer" functionality in IE to open an explorer view on a library and browse to the images folder you are looking for.

cant access <tenant url>/_layouts/15/images/.

I think easiest would be to create a temporary Virtual Machine with SharePoint 2016 on it and browse to the physical folder where the images are located (somewhere within C:\Program Files\Common FIles\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15). There's a VM image with SP2016 pre-installed in Azure Market Place so you don't have to install SP2016 and you'd only have to wait for a few minutes for the VM to provision.



The server directory may not be accessable for SharePoint Online. Also I happen to have a test on prem enviorment in Azure so I took a look at the folder you were looking for and found it here instead: C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\IMAGES

This is a server directory and can not be accessed though the URL in the browser.


Anyway I discovered there are 3128 images in this directory. I tried to Zip them up and attach them but the one zip file exceeded the file size upload limit for this site. I'll split it up into two zip folders for you.


Have fun,


Thanks, more than what I was looking for but will help me leverage internal images versus hunting for one or making them myself!!!